Big No-No’s in Web Development

When the Internet became one of the most popular forms of communication, websites became one of the, if not the most, sought-after facets. These websites contain a lot of information and aims to inform or entice the reader. This is especially true to businesses that try to get more clients by harnessing the marketing assets of the internet.

Over the years, businesses and web developers have made strides in web development to enhance that purpose. Some of those strides are strokes of genius, while others are horrible mistakes such as:

Horrible Layouts

Links that do not change color when already visited, opening new browser windows that prevent users from backtracking, and an inconsistent layout is a surefire way to lose visitors and potential influx of traffic to the site.

Horrible Fonts

Relevant information hidden in a big block of text that cannot be adjusted in size due to the CSS nature of the sheet has a possibility of never being found by the reader. When a reader skims through a website, these mistakes rob them of that chance.

Hazy Information

If a reader or potential buyer skims through your website but does not find the answer he is looking for, chances are he will never come back to your site again. Give the audience what they are looking for by providing as much information as possible.

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